How They Want to "Save the Planet"

Let’s have a look at what these billionaires are proposing to “save the planet” and make life so much “better” for every one of us. This is not a conclusive list, but a selection of officially published and heavily promoted plans, many of which are being executed as we speak. ~ Stop World Control

Perpetual Injections
Implementation of vaccine passports, which only allow people to participate in society if they continually take new booster injections.

Social Credit
Implementation of social credit scores, forcing people to comply – as resistance lowers their score, resulting in loss of basic rights.

Smart Cities
Relocation of most of humanity into Smart Cities, where their thoughts, emotions and dreams are constantly recorded.


Limited Movement
Restriction of the distance that city people are allowed to go from their homes to 10-20 minutes. Permits are required to go farther.


Financial Control
Replacement of cash with digital currencies that are strictly controlled by the rulers. Owning and spending money will be limited.


Only information supporting the agenda of the billionaires will be allowed online. Everything that questions or criticizes their plans will be censored.


No Private Possession
Elimination of ownership of private property. Everything must be rented: homes, cars, tools, even clothes.


Blocking the Sun
Spraying trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals in the atmosphere every single day, to block sunlight from reaching the earth, in order to prevent “global warming”.


No Personal Rights
Reduction of personal rights and freedoms of the people. Free speech, for example, must be ‘recalibrated’. Individual rights must be surrendered for the “greater good”.


Child Sexuality
Promote homosexual education in kindergarten and first grade. Teach toddlers to masturbate and have sex. Ensure that little children have sexual partners.


Normalization of Pedophilia

Promotion of pedophilia as a ‘natural sexual preference’ that must be included in society. Decriminalizing sexual child abuse. Labeling opponents as “haters”.


Mass Transgenderism
Indoctrination of school children to surgically alter their sexual identity without the consent of their parents.


Everyone a Cyborg
Conversion of everyone into cyborgs with multiple technological implants connected to the cloud, from where A.I. will constantly monitor and control them.


Superhuman Elites
Creation of a class of elite humanoids with superhuman abilities that will rule over humanity.


A.I. TAKEOVER of Most Jobs
Replacement of doctors, lawyers, teachers, ministers, drivers, pilots, and dozens of other occupations with A.I.


Full A.I. Control
Allowing A.I. to control human life by telling people who to marry, what to buy, who to vote for, etc.


Brain Transparency
Enabling managers to see what is going on inside the brains of their employees. Complete removal of personal space and privacy.


Mind Control
Use of 5G to not only read people’s thoughts and emotions, but to also insert thoughts and feelings into the population.


Artificial Food
Replacement of grass-fed beef with genetically engineered insects grown in factories, and lab-grown synthetic “meat”.


No Elderly
Convincing the elderly to choose euthanasia so they don’t burden the global healthcare system. At a certain age everyone should make room for the next generation.
